Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Fall Fun

We have been having a great fall.  Here are some pictures from our adventures!

Papa Tom took us on one more boat ride of the season.  It rained, but it didn't stop us.  It was warm anyway!  We both got to drive the boat on the water too!

Then, like every fall, we went to Apple Charlies and picked apples, fed the animals and had a great time.

Halloween came next.  This year we did not go to Greenfield Village for their Halloween festivities. But we still had a great evening. The rain even stopped just long enough for us to go trick-or-treating.

As an extension of our homeschooling, we visited the Detroit Institute of Arts and saw the Dia de los Muertes exhibit.

One last picture that Mommy took of fall at our house.  We decided to rake the leaves in our backyard and even took them to the curb.

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Our Trip to Wales

We had a really fun trip to Wales last week.  Here are pictures to illustrate the awesomeness we had:

This is the view from Mommy and Daddy's room
at Aunt Dana and Uncle Phil's home.

Newport, Gwent, South Wales

Day #1 - We drove to Caerleon after lunch at Aunt Dana's.
Here we are at the National Roman Legion Museum.

Evie dressed as a Roman soldier.

Me dressed as a Roman soldier.

Originally a Cistercian monastery, The Priory is a now hotel and restaurant.

Roman Amphitheatre
*we don't know that man*

Orson, ready to run around.

Evie and Orson running in the amphitheatre.

Where Roman soldiers would stand - most likely for the last time.

beautiful ruins
Caerleon is said to be where King Arthur ruled.
The Aphitheatre is often associated with the "round table" in the tales.

Aunt Dana and Uncle Phil's home in Newport.
Ready for a Welsh buffet dinner at The Celtic.

Day #2 - The Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff

a weeping angel


Mommy, Evie and I outside a Tardis.

Evie got scared in the experience, I was thrilled.

This is me inside a Dalek

Evie pretending to destroy scenery.

Madame Vastra - The Lizard Lady

Minecraft activity in the Milenium Centre.
We were drenched from the rain downpour.

After an Indian buffet, we went to the Cardiff Bay science museum: TechniQuest

Dragons are everywhere in Wales.

We had tea while people watching in Cardiff Bay.
Dinner that night was at Pie Corner, a local chippy.
Hamburgers in Wales are very different than those in America.

Day #3 - The National Showcaves Centre

Stone circle

Dinosaurs were everywhere around the caves.

panning for gold 
Cathedral Cave (turn your head to the right to see the image correctly).

Pachelbel's Cannon in D played as we journeyed.

The Bone Cave

Many people were buried in the cave.

Inside the Bone Cave

The view outside Bone Cave.

tons of green

The largest cave: Dan-yr-Ogof

Our "home" at Bluestone, Pembrookshire

Our view from the house.

We had a golf cart, named Eva, for our stay.
Our dinner was at The Chippy.

Day #4 Exploring the resort
Treasure Hunting

One of the views from the resort.

Bluestone's Camp Smokey during the daytime.

The resort

Our secret hideout/passage.

Ready for a hootenanny at Camp Smokey.
Welsh idea of an American hoedown.

Mommy and Aunt Dana with their warpaint on.

Evie with her warpaint (I'm reading THE RULES in the background).
Dinner was bbq, with a yummy apple cake (pudding).

Sunset at Camp Smokey

Day #5 - More Bluestone fun 

Orson climbing the first wall.

Evie and Orson climbing the first wall.

Evie climbing the second wall.

Look at me, next to a Z on the second wall.

Evie on the third wall.

Me and Evie on the third wall.
Lunch was a traditional Sunday lunch buffet at The Farmhouse Grill.
In the afternoon we swam at the Blue Lagoon.
Mommy and Aunt Dana went to a spa.
Dinner was at The Oak Tree.

Day #6 - Traveled back to Newport to pack.
Dinner with Aunt Dana and Orson, at
London, Marriott Hotel American restaurant.

"Cousins" having fun in the room.

Our last night together - eating YUMMY ice cream Sundaes.

It was a great trip - wonderful time with our family.  Now back to normal stuff, Mom says.