On Mommy's Birthday - last Thursday - we went to the doctors. I had to answer some questions about myself and what I could do. Mommy helped a bit. I was beyond the benchmarks for my age. Mommy was surprised, since she doesn't usually think too much about my abilities and if they are exceedingly above the average kid. I also got measured and weighed. I was 37.5 inches and 31 pounds. I'm in the 53rd percentile, which Mommy thinks is funny. Giving a "percentage" to a child is rather silly, especially one things that are not controllable. Mommy says that weight is, if I was very heavy...but genetics determines height. Oh well.
I can identify all my letters, lower case and upper case. I can spell some words, and I love to sound out words to identify the first letter. I sing lots of songs, and I love watching the following things on TV: Curious George, Word World, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Snow White, Pinky Dinky Doo, and the Letter Factory. I play games and LOVE to paint. I also help cook and clean with Mommy & Daddy.