Monday, January 12, 2009

making a case for Mister Rogers

On Friday the local PBS station did not play Mister Rogers' Neighborhood at 12pm. Eva and I have become very fond of the Mister Rogers' show for a long time now. Eva's first real word was "bubble" from watching the Mister Rogers' opera: Windstorm in Bubbleland. So we were both very upset that Mister Rogers was not on the TV to watch after lunchtime. Mommy was quite upset too.

The show is on today (thankfully), but Mommy is now a part of an organization to bring the program back to other PBS stations. Check it out: Save Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

Mommy has many childhood memories of the show, and Fred Rogers is her idol. He was a musician, a teacher, a humanitarian, and a pastor. He is someone to look up to, and Mommy thinks he is the best. Eva and I do too!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Mommy & Me...twins?

On Saturday, Mommy got her hair cut...

We went to Tim Hortons yesterday (before going to the museum) to get me my favorite sparkle doughnut. While we were waiting to pay the lady from the drive through window came up front and said to Mommy, "I know exactly what you looked like as a little girl!" Mommy laughed. Because she thinks it was only the haircut, considering I look so much like my Daddy!

I love my Mommy!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

What a busy December!
We had so much fun preparing the house for Christmas and the arrival of baby Jesus and Santa. I had a blast making a foamy gingerbread train with Mommy and a graham cracker gingerbread style house with Papa Grandma.

We also had a couple snowfalls. One was over 8 inches, so Eva and I were able to build a fort and a cool snowman with Daddy!

We were so excited for Santa as we prepared the plate of cookies, poured the milk, and made a bowl full of carrots for Santa's reindeer.

Daddy took the last two weeks of December off from work. So this past Monday (a day between visiting with friends and family), we went to the zoo. It was so cool to see all the animals running around and not just laying there. We've only visited in the summertime, so it was really cool to visit when it was chilly outside. My favorite animal is the blue frog. Eva loved the apes so much she not only licked the glass of their cage, but she cried, "mine...mine" when we were leaving!

So here's to another year - 2009 - and all the new adventures and journeys we'll endure!