Monday, March 24, 2014

Pictures From January, February & March

We have been very busy in our household this calendar year.  We definitely have a lot to share with everyone.

We had a lot of snow this winter in Michigan.  One day we were able to make a HUGE snowman.  The top two balls were so huge, Daddy had to build a ramp to put them together.

We spent time with science projects - and made a great volcano with our friend, Anthony.

February 22nd, also marked Maggie's 1st Birthday.  We had such a fun time celebrating!

March started with a science fair.  Evie did Vibrations and I did How Music Affects Plants.  It was a great Saturday afternoon.  One of the students did an experiment with marshmallows, and well, that was our favorite as you can see.

My expander came out and was replaced with a clear retainer.  I was thrilled to be able to eat gum, nuts, and other "bad" food again.

Within two days, we saw two great shows: Dinosaur Zoo at the Fisher Theater and Brundibar (and opera) t the Michigan Opera Theater.

The next big activity was my 9th Birthday party.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE dragons, so Mommy helped make a really fantastic party around the dragon theme.

Here is my cake!

Here are some of the fun times we had!

Sunday, March 23, 2014