Monday, August 30, 2010

African Safari and Wildlife Park

Yesterday, we went to the African Safari and Wildlife Park in Ohio.  Yes!  Believe it or not, less than 2 hours from home is AFRICA.  Here are some of the great times had by all!

Eva and Zoe riding a camel!  We were both excited, especially Eva!

Mommy & Eva with the "African" safari in the background.

Check out that giraffe's tongue.  We are lucky to have a hole in the top of our car!  What an experience!

Miss Melissa feeding a Scottish Highlander Cow.  He was so sweet, like feeding a baby!

Look at the Longhorn!  He was really amazing!

He was also hungry, and his horn hit Mommy's car.  But it was still pretty cool.  That's Miss Melissa petting him.

Mommy is feeding a Water Buffalo a carrot.  Later a Buffalo (possibly this same one) drooled all over Miss Melissa.  Very dirty animals...not as gentle as the rest.

Very cool picture of me, Zoe, in the car's rear view mirror.  I am feeding a carrot to a sweet deer.  The deer were a bit skiddish, but who could blame them?  After all, there were cars, trucks, vans, and other vehicles driving right past them.

Here I am with a few deer.  Pretty darn happy, too!

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