Wednesday, June 28, 2006

15-month stats

Yesterday I went to a new pediatrician, Dr. Turkish. She is Emma's doctor. She was really nice. She spent 45 minutes in the room with Mommy and I, and even gave me a cool Cookie Monster book! I got a shot - Mommy says it is the vaccine for chicken pox. I cried a little, but I'm really a "trouper," Mommy says.

So here is the scoop:

Weight: 20 lbs 9 ozs (10th percentile)
Height: 31 inches (75th percentile)
Head: 18 inches (50th percentile)

I'm doing well, and much ahead of milestones - so the Dr. was really pleased to see that. She also thought I looked a lot like Emma.

Since I got the chicken pox vaccine yesterday, I wasn't able to see my new cousin, Joshua. Mommy and Daddy got to hold him, while I played with Grandma and Grandpa Martin. I'm looking forward to the 4th of July - because we'll get to see Aunt Sarah, Uncle John, and baby Joshua! Yeah!

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